2013 Resolutions

  • Jan
  • 2

1. Live in the Moment

I have always been a "serial planner", the type of person who cannot go a day without having a plan of where she is going to be in 20 years and what they will have done by then. This year (and the next), I want to really try to enjoy being a kid while I still don't have too many responsibilities.

2. Clean up more.

This one is pretty straightforward, I just want to try to keep my stuff more organized and my room cleaner.

3. Blog Everyday (Except Sundays and Major Holidays)

This year, I plan to blog every single day except for Sundays and major holidays. I love having this blog, and the more I write the happier I am.

4. High Honor Roll

I'm trying for High Honor Roll for the whole year... Can't promise anything, but I am planning on working my butt off. 

So, what are your New Year Resolutions? Discuss in the comments, I want to know!

Yours in Fashion,



  1. Good resolutions to live by everyday!

  2. Aren't they? It took me a while, but I think I came up with some good ones.


Comment away! I want to hear YOUR opinions.