Obsessed (Model Edition): Cara Delevingne

  • Mar
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Cara Delevingne- the British, blonde-haired, blue eyed, 5'9" extremely charismatic model that has been appearing everywhere in the last few months, from the runways of Louis Vuitton to the billboard ads of DKNY. Honestly, this girl is gorgeous, and she really seems like the type of person you would want to hang out with.

The brightness of her DKNY ad campaign for Spring 2013 is absolutely stunning. Incorporating technology such as the Beats headphones and the cell phones in the city environment makes it so much more applicable and attention-grabbing to our generation. Adding in the crisp, beautiful clothing being showcased on a beautiful model, and this is my favorite ad campaign for Spring.

While most models have a tendency to be "ice princesses" with straight faces and harsh poses, Cara has the opposite reputation. She has quite the affinity for funny faces and crazy poses which in my opinion makes her more likable and relatable to all of us.

On top of her crazy gorgeous face and booming career, she has personal style to boot. She omits such a  rock n' roll, grungy carefree vibe through her clothes and mannerisms.

Honestly, can I just be best friends with her? *Cara, if you somehow read this, PLEASE be my best friend/ let me interview you* Does anyone else feel like this too?

Yours in Fashion,

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